Friday, 4 May 2007

Doing up your drive? - Tips and advice

How to…………….Build a new driveway

Resurfacing an existing driveway is a relatively straightforward process, but creating a new driveway entry onto a highway takes a little more consideration. Here’s five tips you must consider before you begin:

1 – Consult the local council
It is essential you contact your local authority before you start any work on your driveway. Planning permission will certainly be required if you live on a major road or near a junction. And there may be other requirements depending on the regulations of your local council, such as the amount of engineering work that will be carried out, or if you intend to install a new gate or fencing. So check first.

2 – Plan well in advance
It may sound obvious, but preparation is absolutely critical, and it’s better to encounter any potential problems before the job starts than halfway through. Mark out the exact area you want the driveway to be laid, and take into account any obstacles that will have to be removed, such as trees or walls. Are you going to put in a gate? Is the new driveway going to be big enough for your car as well as room to walk around it? Remember – if your car overhangs onto the pavement, you might not get planning permission.

3 – Check the ground
If the area where you are planning to build the new driveway has already been excavated, ensure that the ground is still hard. Rainfall may have created soft areas in the earth which could lead to subsidence in the future. If you do find any soft areas, dig them out before starting any other work on the driveway.

4 – Don’t forget drainage
One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of constructing a new driveway is drainage. If the land is flat, you will have to ensure there is a slight gradient in the surface, and if the slope runs towards a building you will have to install surface water drainage channels too.

5 – Specify exactly who does what
There may be parts of the operation that you are confident to carry out yourself, so it’s always best to split the project into stages. For example, excavating the area is a fairly straightforward job, but installing paving is a large-scale-project, and if you have no previous experience it is recommended you bring in the professionals, if only for consultation on what to do yourself.

When looking for firms to carry out work for you, the universal rule for all home improvement companies applies: make sure that you employ a reputable firm with a proven track record! Pavingquoter can help you choose your supplier.

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