Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Barack Obama's Home Improvements

As Barack Obama, the United States of America's new president, enters the White House for the first time, aside from the weight of office pressing down on his shoulders he's also going to have to contend with far more pressing matters of state - namely the remodeling requests of the first lady - Michelle Obama - on the previous inhabitants decor. Bushes everywhere!

So just what will the Obama's take on first? The State of the Union or replacing the glazing and re-fitting the kitchens?

Of course your own home doesn't have to be of presidential proportions to deserve a little remodeling of its own, and after such an exhausting campaign, wouldn't it be nice to leave the home improvements to the professionals? It's not just the Obamas that can benefit from a free online quote.

We were wondering just what the Obama family will tackle first - perhaps you'd like to help them by taking part in our poll? Place your vote now and we'll count up the real election results in one month's time.

OK so it might not last as long as a presidential campaign, but we're sure it will be a closer finish and we promise no queuing in drafty polling stations at midnight. We'll even spare you the presidential speeches.

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