Friday, 20 February 2009

Composite Doors: Fad or Future?

In the days before interwebs and online pricing, if you wanted to keep out draughts coming under the front door you taught a grandchild how to knit, gave them some odd balls of wool, and waited until they’d knitted a length of multi-coloured design Tom Baker would have been proud to wear.

Then you’d sew it up, stuff it and make a ‘sausage dog’ draught excluder.

Depending on the length of knitting time contributed and the amount of wool you had, many such excluders would fall short of the task by quite a few centimeters – I can remember my own creation looking long enough to go around the bed, when in reality, it only stopped up half the door, allowing the freezing winter air to blow straight round.

Of course, nowadays, because its very difficult to get kids into knitting (there’s surely an idea there for Nintendo and their Wii), we have to rely on the double glazing industry to come up with ever-more effective ways of giving us not only a great looking entrance door, but one that also keeps out the weather, and is ultra secure.

uPVC has become the clear favourite of door buyers, particularly because uPVC doors tend to be really secure, and they also give your home great protection from the elements – particularly these ‘pleasant’ snow carrying breezes we’ve enjoyed in the last week or so.

These doors aren’t without flaws, though. In particular, many traditional uPVC door designs incorporate a raised sill that can make it difficult for the elderly or handicapped to step over. If you’ve ever tried to get a baby buggy through such a door design, you’ll know all about it.

There’s a new door in town, though, and it’s called the Composite. read the full story on composite doors - head over to Home Improvement Quotes website - click here

You can find quotes for all kinds of doors from

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