Monday, 28 April 2014

The advantages of having Double Glazing in the summer, NOT JUST FOR WINTER

Double Glazing Explained

As an insulator, heat passes through the window much more slowly than usual. Although this is mainly a benefit in winter the insulating property is also an advantage on very hot days as the heat from the outside enters more slowly. Keeping that hot air outside and KEEPING that lovely cool air inside, which if any of you plucky Britons have endured a 'scorching' British summer knows, we all need that cool air!

Save Your Money
What this means is it can SAVE YOU MONEY, another thing we British need! By saving energy from not using the Air-con or other various appliances e.g. fans. You can bask in the cool air your double glazing is providing and take comfort in the fact your electricity bill will be lower than Joey Essex's IQ!

Save Your Eye-Sight
What Double glazing also provides is a prevention from glare! NO, not from your neighbour catching you being a peeping tom! FROM SUN LIGHT. Double Glazing prevents bright, blinding light, beaming through the window meaning if you were to look out of your window, due to the design of double glazing, it will reflect glare so you can look out and admire the sunshine or the 'girl next door'

I bid you adieu my dear Sirs and Madams!

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