Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Why you need to repair that crack in your driveway

If you notice cracks on your concrete driveway you should take immediate action to repair it! Tearing apart your driveway will make it new again but it is a costly expense and it is rare for any home-owner to do concrete jobs themselves. A little time and effort to fix the cracks can make your driveway last a few more years. Otherwise, the cracks will eventually grow larger and destroy your driveway and you'll have no where to park your car! This is generally a moderately easy repair so don't fret my dears.
Photo Credit: Anetha Brown

You will need a product that patches concrete well, caulk gun, garden hose, (any tool that sounds like an innuendo) pressure washer, a putty knife, brush or broom, a scraper or trowel, chisel, screwdriver, so get your Phillips out and get crackin'... Well, filling. 

Top Tips

 If in your area you have frequent or drastic weather changes use caulk, it can flex with frequent changes in temperature. If applied properly, the caulk should not pop up. If you want a recommendation I like to use big black caulk to fill in my cavitites. Although keep in mind caulk isn't as durable as grout. It is easier to apply than grout but grout can last longer unless the weather is harsh and active in temperature extremes.
If using a vinyl patch, apply immediately. It shrinks when it is drying. If it is dry, you can still reapply another layer over the patch.
For wet environments, epoxy patches are preferred. They are highly waterproof and would be ideal for your driveway, take note Scottish readers!
Matching patch colour to the concrete is optional. If you want your home to look smart and neat make sure to match the colour. If you cannot match the colour, you can still put matching over the patch or repair fill later.
Use any combination of screwdriver and chisel to loosen and remove large debris v. Sweep the large debris away with a brush and use the air hose to take any other fine material away from the crack. Clean the entire driveway with a degreaser to remove grease and oily residue. Using the pressure washer, rinse the cracks of any remaining loose particles. Rinse the rest of the driveway and let it dry.
For any thin cracks less than a quarter inch, purchase the correct caulk meant for this application. Do not use the inexpensive caulk. Otherwise, you may have to redo the work again soon. Use the caulk gun with the caulk to seal the crack.

Photo Credit: ephidryn

Other Options

  •  Use epoxy concrete patch. Use a putty knife to put into the fracture.
  •  Use a vinyl patch and use a scraper or trowel to put the vinyl application into the crack.
  • Another option for hairline cracks is grout. Moisten the surface and then pour the grout in the fissures.
  • Yet an interesting option is to get Portland cement and thin it with water so it looks and feels like paint or glue. Get a putty knife to fill in the cement in the cracks.
You can use the methods above for half-inch wide cracks or bigger. However, the cracks must be chiselled below the top so that the crack is narrower than the bottom of the crack. This will hold the caulk or patch inside and prevent escape.

I bid you adieu my dear Sirs and Madams!

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