Monday, 16 June 2014

How to Attach Fascia Board on Gable End Trusses

  • Measure the depth of the truss ends (use a tape measure to do this) to get the width of fascia needed; The majority will by 1-by-6-inch lumber, but 1-by-4 can be used if the truss rafter is a 2-by-4. Fascia boards can extend below the truss end and usually do if a soffit covering is being installed. Get your tape measure and measure the length of the roof to figure the number and length of fascia boards needed; a single board usually will not cover the full length.

  • Use a circular saw to cut a square edge on one end of the fascia board for a gable roof. Cut a 45-degree miter for a hip roof, no not 'cool' sadly, if only all 45 degree miters could make your roof cool! Mark the other end of the fascia board to end at the centre of a truss end and cut a 45-degree angle across it, facing away from the house front. Do this on either gable or hip fascia, to make a connection with the abutting board.

  • Nail the end of the fascia to the end truss with a hammer and 8-penny nails. Place the square edge at the end of the roof and the top of the board flush with the roof sheathing. Put the inside edge of the miter on a hip roof fascia at the end of the corner truss tail. Have help and ladders for this installation. Lift the other end of the board in place and nail it to the centre of the truss. Drive two nails through the fascia into each truss end.

  • Cut a matching 45-degree angle across the end of the next fascia board, to overlap the end of the first one installed. Measure it and cut it to fit the other end truss; cut it square and flush with that truss end for a gable roof, mitered for a hip roof with the inside edge of the miter flush with the side of the end truss. Install it with two nails in each truss. Put two nails through both boards at the mitered joint.

  • Repeat the process on the other side of a gable roof, always working from back to front, so the overlapped seams form a smooth joint. Make similar installations on the other three sides of a hip roof, with the mitered ends making 90-degree corners. Drive two medium finishing nails through each side of the miter to secure the corner.


  • I bid you adieu my dear Sirs and Madams!

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