Friday 25 July 2014

Beyond The Mains Newsletter

Hello all my dear Sirs and Madams! Today I would like to introduce you to a great service written by the same people on this blog, Beyond The Mains Newsletter.

It features articles much like what you find on this blog; and it's FREE. It regularly comes out every week ( a little more routine than this...) Featuring great little pieces from windows to renewable technologies, anything Home Improvement related, we do it! Keeping you fully updated on new technologies and government schemes, definitely worth the subscription.

Its perfect for home owners and business owners alike. Are you one of these? Well get clicking my dear.

To the sceptics out there don't worry, we aren't going to spam you or pass on your details. We just want to keep you, our readers entertained and informed, this is just another way of reaching you. I promise my dear Sirs and Madams, no gimmicks.

If you're interested then just click here! I will provide links below as well. Its free and all it will cost you is a click!

I bid you adieu my dear Sirs and Madams!

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