Tuesday 5 June 2007

Preparing for your double glazing installation day

Preparing for your double glazing installation day

Your double glazing installation day approaches and whilst reputable companies will do everything to minimalise disruption to your home and your furnishings, there are a few things you do yourself to help.

The installation team will usually bring dust sheets to lay on floors to help protect carpets etc whilst walking between indoors and outdoors. If the installation involves knocking down any brickwork – perhaps a patio door installation, they may also provide plastic sheeting to mask off the rest of the house from brick and plaster dust.

However, remember that building dust travels so cover up any furniture or additional floor areas yourself. Perhaps put your own plastic sheeting up over doors that require no access to the room beyond.

Clear the decks!
It’s sensible to remove anything from window sills and put safely away until the installation is complete. That includes anything hanging like blinds or curtains, especially if the fixings are in the frame itself. Move large items of furniture a safe distance away from any installation points the night before.

Don’t be afraid to lay your own flooring protection before they arrive. The more layers the better, however, make sure what you lay doesn’t present a tripping risk.

Any cables – phone, TV etc should be left alone (unless previously advised by the company) as the installation company will do their best to re-route those cables through the new window.

What about outside?
Remember, the installation teams will need access to the outside areas around your windows etc, so it’s a good idea to move any planters or garden ornaments out of harms way.

Pet problem.
If you have pets, consider putting them out of the way. Loud drills may be used during installation, which can frighten animals (a bit like Bonfire Night). Pets can also present a tripping hazard to installers.

Fancy a cuppa?
It’s probably a bit stereotypical of the industry – most of today’s reputable company installation teams work really hard and efficiently to complete your installation, however, the offer of a cup of tea is a welcome perk and usually accepted with gratitude.

Not quite there yet?
If you're still at the stage wher you're considering double glazing - perhaps new windows, doors or a conservatory, then let WindowQuoter help by giving you an instant online quote based on your own measurements. Click here to get an instant online quote without the need for a double glazing salesman to call.

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