Friday 3 August 2007

How to replace your Garage Door

How to Replace Your Garage Door

You are only likely to replace your garage door once in 25 years, so when it comes to buying a new one it’s definitely worth researching your investment – and it may be worthwhile spending a little more – after all you won’t need to do it again for another 25 years. Here are five top tips you must consider before you start:

1 – So what kind of doors would I like?
What kind of door would I like, and will it fit – and can I afford it? There are several different types and it is key to consider your needs before making your decision. For example, do you need to be able to park your car right up to the door and still open and close it? If so, look at sectional or roller doors, which need no clearance when opening and closing. The sectional door simply rolls up vertically into the garage roof space – however remember, this means it may not be suitable if you already use the roof area for storage. Roller doors roll vertically into a coil, so don’t require any clearance outside and use no roof space inside the garage – but they are a little more expensive. Canopy and retractable doors do swing up into the roof space, but if parking close to your garage is not an issue, or if you are going to park your car inside the garage and not on the drive, then these or side-hinged doors may be a viable and cheaper option.

2 – Doors to manual or automatic?
Do you dream of the sheer luxury of approaching your garage in the pouring rain and the door opening automatically at the touch of your remote control? Whichever type of door you choose, remember - it can be operated manually or automatically. Consider which is right for you – and for your budget. An automatic system is beneficial if you always park your car inside the garage, as you can open the door as you drive up without getting out of your car. However the door type again comes into play here – canopy, retractable and side-hinged doors all need out-swing space, so take care when driving in! Roller and sectional doors require no out-swing space and may be more practical on an automated system.

3 – Security must be considered
Good security is vital. Your car probably has valuable electrical gadgets fitted, and you may have expensive equipment – hedge trimmers, chain saws and lawn mowers – stored in your garage. This is especially important if there is direct access to your house via your garage, as this is a potential point of entry for intruders. If you have chosen an automatic garage opening and closing system, then remember they also have excellent security benefits. You can add a security code, keypad lock and alarm system to your new door. There are many other locking options available which are suitable for both automatic and manual mechanisms, depending on which door you choose. Look at multi-point locking systems, steel lock bars and euro-cylinder locks. These have an independent barrel system which remains intact even if the door is forced.

4 – Style and appearance
What material would you like your new door to be made of? Remember this is important for security purposes as well as aesthetics. Most doors are available in steel, timber and GRP, which is a glass reinforced polyester. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but GRP is extremely low maintenance and is the most secure. Also consider the colour; a garage door can add kerb appeal, but an unsympathetic one can detract from the overall look of your home and garden.

5 – Safety first
You garage door is going to be the largest moving object in your home, so staying safe is important, particularly if you have children or pets. Look at safety springs, pivot arms and anti-drop devices, which stop the door falling in the event of spring failure or accidental closure. It may also be useful to look at multi-spring systems which have additional springs that come into action if one spring fails, preventing the door from crashing down. Door handles can also be fitted with pivot-arm protectors which protect your hands, as well as anti-pinch profiles which prevent children – and adults – from getting their fingers trapped.

Finally be sure to get your new garage door fitted by Garage Door Professionals or regularly checked for quality by a professional. The checks should be carried out in natural daylight and should uncover any potential errors such as distortions, indentations or problems with the mechanism. can help you choose your supplier.

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