Wednesday 17 December 2008

Put your pets out of the way on home improvement day!

The next time you've got your friendly local home improvement company round doing a spot of double glazing installation or loft converting - not to mention kitchen fitting or converting your garage - it might be a good idea to remove your pets to a safe, quiet out-of-the-way location.

Not that we're suggesting you put your pet in the shower as happened to our furry feline friend in the picture above.

No - despite the best efforts of your home improvement company, the occasional loud noise can be like a firework going off to a pet. Worse still, the inquisitive little animals can easily trip workmen up - not something you want when there's glass or worktops being carried around or even get in half opened spaces during construction.

Have you ever tried to get a pet out of somewhere that you can't physically reach into? They have a nasty habit of pleasing themselves when they come out.

So save yourself some possible time and trouble, your home improvement company some possible hazard and your pet some definate inconvenience by considering shutting them away in a quiet corner of the house or even perhaps consider holiday kennels for those few days.

It will all help make your home improvement as stress free as possible. For more tips on how to prepare for your double glazing installation day - click here to visit our handy guide on Home Improvement Quotes.

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