Monday 27 July 2009

Self Cleaning windows explained - are they worth it?

Self-cleaning windows have been available for a little while now, but over the years we’ve seen plenty of fads, fashions and must-have new features come and go. We want to know, are self-cleaning panes here to stay – and are they worth the extra money?

Self cleaning glass is available from a variety of glass makers under a number of different brand names, but they all work by the same basic principle: the glass has a fine coating which reacts to sunlight to break down dirt particles on the window, and then when the window is rained on, these loosened particles are washed away easily. The coating also causes the water to run off the window in sheets, instead of as droplets as you would usually expect.

Self-cleaning glass is an option offered by many of the double glazing suppliers in the Home Improvement Quotes network. If you go to we can help you find up to three recommended double glazing suppliers in your local area.

But do they work?

The short answer: Yes! Self-cleaning windows have proved themselves to be extremely successful in reducing, or even removing, the need to have the window cleaners in. The self-cleaning coating does indeed work as advertised, and this is one glazing innovation that is proving to be very popular.

Are there any drawbacks?

There are one or two. Some marks can take a little while to break down, and using strong chemical window cleaning products to remove stubborn stains could damage the self-cleaning coating, so you need to remember to only use soapy water when washing your windows. Also, after picking up dirt from the window, rainwater can run down the pane onto the frames and occasionally the dirt can be deposited onto the window sill. This can be particularly troublesome if you have white uPVC frames.

Are they worth the extra cost?

Clearly, this will depend on your circumstances, your budget and how often your windows generally need cleaning. Typically, self-cleaning glass will add around 10-20% to the price of your window units, but will also reduce your future window cleaning bills, and possibly could add some value to your home.

Generally, self-cleaning glass is worth its weight in gold for the difficult to reach panes – in particular conservatory roofs, loft skylights and other such windows. Also, if your house has lots of windows it’s well worth considering self-cleaning windows, as they can easily work out to be an economical choice when considering the cost of regularly getting the window cleaners in.


It may not yet be time for window cleaners to start hanging up their mops and checking the classifieds, but with self-cleaning window technology continuing to improve and prices growing ever more affordable, self-cleaning glass is here to stay – and well worth a second look.

To find guide prices and suppliers for all kinds of windows, go to

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