Friday 28 May 2010

Quickly turn a garage into a sun lounge - the versatility of Bi-folding doors

bi-folding door quotes - click here

Turn a garage into a sun lounge / casual use room simply and easily by ex-changing the garage door for bi-folding doors.

Just one idea that shows the versatility of these amazing exterior doors - Bi-folding doors are a set of individual upvc or aluminium door panels (usually full length glass) joined together with special hinges and hung on an enclosed rail system so that each panel folds back on itself. This means you can open the whole expanse or just one or more of the panels to suit yourself and the weather.

Just like the old wooden interior dividing doors of old.

Bi-folding doors are great for opening up your home to the outside - dining alfresco is easy when you've got all the convenience of the kitchen at your disposal - you don't even have to clean off patio tables and chairs - you can sit at your regular table and enjoy the outside without walls or barriers.

Bi-folding doors are as weatherproof as normal patio and french doors and just as secure. They're also remarkably energy efficient and can be specified with coated glass just like any other upvc window of door in your home. Because each panel is individually hinged, you can use just one panel as a normal entrance door, without having to open the whole thing.

They're also available in more than just white.

And it's not just garages that can benefit from bi-folding doors. From replacing a set of patio doors to opening up an entire outside wall to enclosing a swimming pool, Bi-folding doors tick all the boxes - long guarantees, low maintenance, energy efficient, easy to operate, versatile and secure.

If this all sounds a bit too good to be true, well it isn't. True, the cost of a 3 panel bi-folding door (the span and number of individual panels can vary depending on your property) is more than an equivalent normal patio door but remember with the bi-fold you can open up the entrance fully or partially at will, and the integrated track system means there's no step into the garden, like you often get with normal patio and french doors. The track system also means no more effort than that to open a normal door is required.

For added functionality, why not think about incorporating an outside awning across the span of the bi-fold doors? That way, you can enjoy the outside without the glare of the sun, keeping your interior cool whilst also protecting furnishings from fading. Chose an awning option with lights or heating and you'll be able to enjoy your outdoors even when the sun's gone down.

Click here to get your instant online bi-folding door quote. It's very straightforward. Simply type in the measurements of the span / area where the door is to be fitted and select how many individual panels you'd like the door to incorporate (there's a guide to tell you how many panels are possible within the opening you've entered), and you'll get an instant online quote there and then.

Same with Awnings - Click here to get your instant online awning quote. Enter the dimensions, choose options like power or manually wound, if you want to incorporate lights or heating etc and get an instant online price guide.

photo credit: 5 Star Windows.

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