Friday 4 June 2010

Grab a Solar bargain while companies are quiet

The lack of installation dates as Summer approaches, coupled with the interest following the feed-in tariffs launch means now is the time to act if you want to beat the queues and secure your favoured solar panel installation date.

And if the hedgerow forecasters are correct, we're in for a real scorcher, which could see solar panel installers busier than ever.

So now is the time to claim your preferred installation date as you enquire about installing solar panels on your property, if you want to avoid disappointment and make the most of those favourable tariff's.

Solar Panel installations come in two flavours - hot water panels which as the name suggest generate hot water - water than can be fed into your immersion tank to supplement your normal water heating energy use.

The other type of solar panel is photovoltaic, which deal with generating electricity. The generated power is usually fed directly into your home's energy supply with any surplus being 'sold' back to your electricity company.

It's photovoltaic solar panel systems to which the recent feed-in tariffs are applicable to. Hot water systems will have to wait until next years Renewable Heat Incentives. Feed-in tariffs help by reducing the pay back period on your installation, making your return on the investment that much greater. Your paid an agreed amount (tariff) for the electricity you generate and the amount you supply back to the National Grid.

Add in local authority grants and schemes and you may be surprised at the reduction in costs of having solar panels installed.

On popular myth - that solar panels only work when it's sunny? Not strictly true, although direct bright sunlight will produce the most energy, photovoltaic panels do still generate power on cloudy days.

And the systems, once they're installed are relatively maintenance free - requiring little more than an occasional clean.

You don't have to be the next eco-warrior to want to install solar panels, many homeowners are switching onto the fact that traditional fuel costs are only ever going to rise, and although the initial installation may be costly, once the various schemes and installation grants have been subtracted, whatever you're left with still has one powerful factor in its favour - with solar energy, there is a payback (and it's doubtful the Sun will ever start charging more).

Click here to get your instant online solar panel quote.

Click here to find out more about solar energy from our dedicated renewable energy information blog.

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