Friday, 29 October 2010

Renewable tariffs escape the Government spending cuts

Of course installing some form of renewable energy on your home is going to contribute to the reduction in harmful co2 emissions, but whether you're looking to be totally self-sufficient or not, installing solar panels onto your home has a number of tangible benefits.

Solar energy is 'free' so once you've paid for the installation, aside from any maintenance costs, every watt of electricity is free. With most systems presently lasting well beyond their 25 year lifespan (some by as much as 10 years), that leaves plenty of free energy years.

Reducing your running costs - Solar energy can drastically reduce your everyday energy bills, depending on the size of system you have installed, and in some cases, a large installation can generate surplus electricity that you can sell back to the grid.

Making your home self sufficient - where previously, you'd have suffered the same power losses as everyone else when there was a power cut, now you're generating your own - you'll soon be the envy of the neighbours.

Making difficult new builds easier - If you're renovating an old barn or cottage that's not connected to the mains, it's a very expensive job to have the correct power delivery cable hooked up and laid by the appropriate energy companies. By exploring solar energy (or other renewable energies) for your project, you may actually be able to reduce building costs, whilst still having the benefit of being self sufficient.

Making your home more attractive to new buyers - There's no doubt that renewable energy is here to stay, so fitting solar panels on your home, will one day in the future probably contribute to it's selling price or make it easier to sell. It's a bit like double glazing, when the jobs already been done, it's one of those 'big jobs' house buyers can tick off the to-do list.

We've even seen some reports that suggest fitting solar panels helps protect your roof. We haven't seen anything to quantify such a claim, but it's true that adding solar panels does add another 'layer' between the weather and your roof.

Photovoltaic (electricity producing) solar energy works by light, not sunshine, so even on cloudy days, your system will generate some power.

And with the Government not cutting the Feed-in Tariffs and confirming the planned go-ahead of the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme, it looks like micro-generators have escaped last weeks cuts, making generating your own electricity and hot water as attractive a proposition as it ever was.

Click here to get your online solar panel installation quote now.

photo credit: clownfish

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