Friday 4 February 2011

Downloaded music / Keys under doormat - homeowner insurance shockers.

Warning that downloaded music may not be covered by insurance.

Comparison website Moneyfacts has warned homeowners to check their insurance cover after discovering that homeowners could be at risk of loosing hundreds of pounds worth of downloaded music, in the event of theft or damage.

Which? magazine reports that a third of standard home insurance policies don't include any form of 'digital information' cover, whilst others could include cover up to £2,500.

With the popularity of music downloads (now including film sales too), you'd be surprised how much it could cost to re-purchase your original content.

Not all music download sites - most notably iTunes - 'remember' or store what you purchase and warn that you can only download the content once.

Over 100 million tracks were downloaded by UK music lovers last year (source music industry). If the worst does happen, it may well be worth shopping around if your present insurer doesn't include any cover, or you feel you nee dome that what's currently being offered.

Do you still leave a key under the doormat?

More than 3.4m people have a spare key outside somewhere - that's one of the findings of a recent survey commissioned by Direct Line.

The figures are released as the Insurer recommends to new home owners to change their door locks as soon as possible. Keys are very often left with neighbours and friends by previous owners and the Insurer warns that you can't be too careful.

Currently, 63% of people moving do not bother to change their locks despite 70% of people leaving a spare key with a family member of which 22% have passed them onto neighbours.

A spokesman for the Insurer said that failing to change locks or having a spare key outside was a "gold-plated invitation to burglars".

His comments come after the Insurer warned of widespread underinsurance problems with an estimated £212.9 billion of home contents not covered in the UK.

Changing locks, particularly in newer UPVC double glazed doors is really easy and a new lock barrel can usually be fitted in minutes. See our previous newsletter article on how to identify and change door locks here.

This story first appeared in our January 31st homeowner newsletter - click here to read the full newsletter.

photo credit: morgan

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