Friday 18 February 2011

Energy efficiency measures knock 17% off energy usage.

Between 2006 and 2010, the UK's gas usage fell by 17% due to the adoption of energy saving measures and schemes.

From small measures like turning off lights and closing curtains at night to replacing boilers with newer energy efficient models, the reduction is a great achievement.

But there's still plenty you can be doing. We've reported on the large numbers of homes still without adequate loft or hot water tank insulation and the Government's Green Deal due later this year should pave the way for more homes being able to get insulation including cavity wall insulation fitted for free.

Window design and the advances in glass cavity and glass coating technology now means that double glazing is more efficient than ever, with window units able to qualify for a-rated energy saving status.

If you've got draught and heat loss issues with your present glazing, then remember, that you don't necessarily have to have the whole house's glazing replaced at the same time.

If your budget is limited, pay attention to those windows that are the worst or in rooms where you spend the greatest waking time as new windows should mean you'll be able to turn down the heating in those rooms whilst making your lives more comfortable, you'll also be saving money and energy.

It's a fallacy that window companies are only interested in 'whole house' installations. Whether it's one window or ten, because each window is individually manufactured anyway, the quantity is unimportant.

Choosing a reputable company with a good track record and the right design should help in the event that you do wish to upgrade further windows at a later date. Ensuring you're able to buy the same style of window as previous installed all goes towards the final aesthetic appeal of your home and can be especially important if you ever sell and move on.

One safeguard might be to update an individual house face at a time - i.e the front of the house on a single installation, the side / back etc on another future installation.

Window Quoter can help you choose the right local (or national) window company. With just a few clicks, you can get an instant online quote for the number of windows (and sizes) you require. Later, if you ask us too, we can offer to match your requirements with out nationwide database of window companies that install in your area.

Because many of these companies don't advertise locally, we may surprise you with good value companies you were unaware of, plus show you feedback from other homeowners in your area that have used them in the past.

*This article first appeared in our 14th February 2011 homeowner newsletter - with a weekly subscription of nearly 300,000 readers - click here to read it in full.

photo credit: jonathanb1989

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