Wednesday 16 February 2011

Throw open the windows - window maintenance special report

After the high winds and torrential rain, what a treat to have a few gloriously sunny days. Throw open those windows and get some fresh air in the house.

The problem is that after a Winter of being tightly closed against the elements, you may find your old windows refuse to open.

If they're wood, then they could have easily warped or spilt with the rain and frost, making them impossible to open. Hinges could have seized up and opening the window could result in the hinge screws being levered out rather than the hinge moving itself.

If that's the case, then it's time to think about getting some quotes for replacing your old wooden windows with some new UPVC double glazed units.

Of course, upvc windows aren't immune to a winter of being shut tight either. It's important to give your double glazing a little TLC by lubricating hinges, sliding parts and locks with a suitable light grade oil (recommended by your window company) and working it in with a few opens and shuts etc, until everything moves nice and freely.

Doors have had it tough too, so whilst an older wooden door may have acted like a sponge, soaking up surface water and warping, twisting or simply rotting, your upvc double glazed door also commands a little oiling of locking mechanisms and locks.

Where your doors (including french and patio doors) are mounted within an all-surrounding frame, then a sunny day is a good opportunity to clean out the bottom of the frame with a little soapy water and check to make sure that any drainage points are free from dirt and leaf accumulation.

These are simple DIY maintenance tasks for upvc double glazing but the difference they'll make is immense, not to mention helping safeguard the longevity of your double glazing installation.

*This article first appeared in our 14th February 2011 homeowner newsletter - with a weekly subscription of nearly 300,000 readers - click here to read it in full.

photo credit: jean pichot

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