Tuesday 21 April 2009

Easy 'Tweet this' function added to posts

Home improvement fans and regular readers will know we're always looking for more ways to make it easier to share your favourite articles with your own friends, colleagues and followers.

So we're very pleased to announce a new feature that's just gone live today.

When you click on any individual blog post, at the bottom of that post, in addition to our normal social media sharing tools like Digg and facebook, you'll now also find a 'Tweet this' Twitter icon and link. (see example below).

Clicking on the 'Tweet this' link will open twitter.com where you can sign in with your user details. You'll then see the url (automatically shortened using the Bit-ly service) followed by I'm reading and the post title.

Another great easy way to share the content you find enjoyable, informative or interesting.

Twitter is the easy way to share information, tips and 'what you're doing' with your friends or colleagues. Getting a Twitter account is free and easy - go to Twitter.com and sign up for a user account now, then start adding friends.

You can 'follow' the Home Improver - our own Twitter persona and get updates whenever we update this blog or publish any news items.

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