Friday 2 October 2009

Your Home Improvement Company feedback makes the difference

Here at Home Improvement Quotes, we've seen the way feedback you've been leaving on companies we've recommended to you has really changed the way they do business.

After we've matched your details to a home improvement provider from our network, we give you the opportunity to leave feedback on the company, their salespeople, and the job they did.

Through your comments, both good and not-so-good, Managers have gained first hand insights into how their companies are being perceived and how their sales force conduct themselves with homeowners. When that feedback is good, they're able to give rewards to their best sales people, based not only on raw number of homeowner signatures but also on customer satisfaction.

When that feedback hasn't been so favourable, they've been able to make efforts to change their customer service procedures.

Receiving feedback from homeowners also enables us to constantly monitor the companies in our network. If companies start regularly being given negative feedback, we can speak with them directly and resolve issues raised quickly and effectively. On some (very rare) occasions, we've even entirely stopped doing business with companies based on feedback we've received from homeowners just like you.

Of course, good feedback is also vital, as it enables companies to reward their staff - and us to reward the companies.
When we all work together, it all adds up to a service that every homeowner can have faith and trust in, and be safe in the knowledge that your feedback is read and acted upon.

So after you've booked the services of a company we've recommended, don't forget to visit your customer information page to leave feedback.

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